Co-Mentoring for Conscious Life Patterning

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Guidelines
Stub only: Activity for Co-Mentoring
Stub only: Choice, Commitment
Stub only: Communication
Stub only: Time Management
Stub only: Momentum
Intro written: Reframing; Choose Empowering Beliefs

Exercise Details

The duration of this approach to normal activity can't be predicted.
Difficulty = 35/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To form co-mentoring relationships in which each person has a mentoring role that you both understand, so that both people feel comfortable, appreciated, and clear about what you're each doing.
  2. To be able to follow a flexible (but predefined) agenda that supports both people in attaining your goals and moving forward, not only in the direction that you are already each committed to, but in areas which you'll discover during your work together.
  3. To create a relationship in which each of you can guide meditations and lead exercises that apply directly to your individual goals, learning skills that require two people to practice, and providing access to feedback when either of you needs it.
Image courtesy of: Leonard John Matthews / Len Matthews, Redcliffe, Australia || Original Image || Flickr profile || World Vision Australia